Sabtu, 20 September 2008

Disposable Digital Camera

If you are aware with the global warming issue around us nowadays, you must already know that one of the causes is the huge amount of rubbish that will not able to be decomposed even for the next hundreds of years and somehow it will affect the entire ecology in Earth that take a big part in creating global warming in our planet. So if you want to reduce the rubbish that cannot be decomposed, you can start by recycle them into functional things.

That is what Plaza Create; a company from Japan tries to do, this company has invented disposable digital cameras that made from used cell phone spare parts such as LCD, lens, etc. It can be a smart solution for those who want to contribute in reducing the amount of rubbish that cannot be decomposed in our environment.

The camera can be used for about 27 up to 50 shoots with reasonable price. This company even has already helped the Japan Government in taking care of the cell phones rubbish which has increased to great amount because in the year of 2006, there is only 13% of broken cell phones can be recycled. This green camera is available on the market with about $13 up to $15 price.

1 komentar:

Tim 20 September 2008 pukul 17.39  

Excellent idea, We can only hope that they will sell them worldwide soon.


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